#tlj critical
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antianakin · 5 months ago
The options for TLJ are as follows.
Luke is intended to be wrong about everything he says and the message is that the Jedi are and always were fundamentally good, but he still spends two hours shitting all over a culture that's been completely genocided for decades because he feels guilty about how he invaded his own nephew's mind while he was sleeping and then wanted to kill him for a moment because of how dark said nephew's mind was.
Luke is intended to be RIGHT about the Jedi and he failed specifically because he repeated their mistakes, but he's wrong to have lost hope entirely and realizes by the end that Rey can become a "new source" of light that will only succeed because she'll be different from the old Jedi.
So the options here are either that Luke was character assassinated in such a dramatic way that it's impossible to really pick up on the real message of the movie, or that Luke's storyline WAS intended to be Jedi critical the entire time. Both options suck. Both options completely sidelined Rey in her own story and made her character completely flat and pointless.
I'm sorry, but you cannot convince me that this movie was good or had anything kind to say about the Jedi since it spent the MAJORITY of its runtime talking about how awful the Jedi are and blaming them for everything that's gone wrong in the galaxy, turning one of the most beloved Jedi in the entire franchise into a mean spirited mouthpiece.
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multitrackdrifting · 2 years ago
Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi (2017) sets out to change the series by getting to the heart of what Star Wars is, in order to cast it out so that the series can change for the better. Whether it succeeds or is not is a topic of intense debate. Despite its noble goal of subversion, I do not believe it gets to the heart of the series and its problems. While some characters get thoughtful character arcs like Luke and Rey, others like Finn, Poe and Rose are treated poorly by the narrative and having a grander goal in mind does not wash out the bad taste from my mouth.
I loved this movie as I walked out of theaters, but it only gets worse as I rewatch it more and more.
Clicks, likes & comments appreciated!
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
It's just the sheer audacity for me.
The fact that Finn, the former child soldier who ran away from the First Order, is somehow the one that needs to be told how bad war really is.
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thatfantasylovingdork · 6 months ago
Thirty year olds are adults. Treat them like they are. They are responsible for their own actions. Stop infantilizing grown men and treat them like they are actually people who have responsibilities and suffer the consequences of their bad decisions.
“We can all relate to Kylo; to that anger of being in the turmoil of adolescence and figuring out who he’s going to be as a man; dealing with anger and wanting to separate from his family.” rian he’s 30 
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sjbattleangel · 10 months ago
Me whenever hacks like Lily Orchard go after Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, The Legend Of Korra, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Sailor Moon, Revolutionary Girl Utena, Moon Girl, Star Wars, Dungeon Meshi, ect.
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(P.S: I am a massive fan of the media mentioned above) (P.S: Yes. I will fight to the end defending Steven Universe, She-Ra, The Owl House, Utena, Evangelion, Sailor Moon and The Last Jedi.)
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lilyvalerieorchard · 4 months ago
Lily Orchard, if you're reading this: The Last Jedi is 1000000x better then your crappy fanfiction The Sith Resurgence. Rose Tico is far, far greater character then your fascist Sith waifu Darth Amorosa. Heck, even Astarion, N and Hunter combined are superior to Darth Amorosa.
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lesbian4lqg · 2 years ago
one thing we dont talk about enough is tianlang jun calling out shen qingqiu for knowing his was around the holy mausoleum
like the "bullseye" thing? crazy
sqq literally swaggered in there and kinda beat tlj on his own turf that he should have known nothing about and tlj is the only (living) character that really knows it, and as far as we know he never bothers to snitch!
hes just. tlj about it. like hes just like "wow thats crazy haha sqq is so cool"
to me it feels like one of sqq's biggest weak spots in his not-so-secret identity bc just about everything else can be explained by the usual "it was,,,,, a qi deviation" bs but like. how tf would he know his way around the holy mausoleum. nobody knows their way around the holy mausoleum thats kind of like the whole point
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asocial-skye · 2 years ago
most of this, i sort of agree with even though i absolutely loathe ep 8 with every fiber of my being, and i basically don't hold the sequel trilogy canon.
but i have to disagree with 'luke never saw vader's atrocities! he was protected!' to which i say, who the fuck cares? remember what happened to luke the last time he and his dad squared up?
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i'm just saying, the guy was fully aware that this was his son, and blatantly chopped off his hand to prove a point. you literally cannot be more evil than this. just a few minutes earlier, he also froze luke's friend, and kidnapped his other friend. the guy also blew up his sister's planet, which luke ran into the rubble of. i'm pretty sure that there is more that vader has done that i can't think at the moment, but even just a couple of these actions individually would be enough to convince anyone that this person was bad news.
i don't mean to be callous, but does finding out or seeing that his dad-notorious mass murderer- surprise, killed a bunch of other people really change much? it was probably filed away under more people for whom my dad made life a nightmare box in his brain. luke not knowing exactly what kind of person his dad was takes away from his staunch belief that he could be redeemed, and paints him as more naive rather than compassionate.
other than that, i do agree with most of what this essay posits-especially the fact that the dark side is a constant battle, and not a big decision. it's small, but it really emphasizes how good choices have to keep being made, and that bad choices do not cancel out your good choices. your bad choices will yield bad consequences, and your good choices yield good outcomes. it's very hindu in a way.
however, i don't know where the idea that obi-wan wanted to redeem vader came from, because he did not. it was kind of an important plot point that obi-wan didn't believe that vader could be redeemed, and nowhere in the OT or PT does it state implicitly or explicitly that he believed Anakin to be redeemable- it was so bad that he literally disassociated the two because he couldn't reconcile them together. no one but luke believed that vader could be redeemed, which is why it is so satisfying that luke is proven right, and vader chucks palpatine down the elevator shaft.
Luke Skywalker in 'The Last Jedi' (1/2)
Luke in The Last Jedi... love it or hate it, it's a difficult subject.
I personally stand somewhere in the middle. I don't think Luke was "ruined"... I'd argue that, from a purely in-universe perspective, his subplot actually tracks with what was previously established in the original films.
There are issues, but I think they are mainly found on an out-of-universe/structural level (which I'll get into in post 2/2). For now, let's take a deep dive and unpack why this portrayal isn't all that problematic.
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The most commonly-heard argument is that:
"They ruined Luke's character! He would never go into exile or abandon his sister and friends!"
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Simply put, Luke used to be:
an optimist
so brave he'd risk his life to save his friends,
aspired to become a Jedi.
Whereas, in The Last Jedi, he's:
jaded and depressed,
hides/abandons his sister and friends, like a coward,
says the Jedi need to die?!
Now the fact is... Luke is 24 years older when he goes into exile, 30 years older in The Last Jedi. People change, with age.
In Luke's case, he matured from an impatient kid who'd rashly run to save his friends, like in Empire Strikes Back, to a grown-up who makes hard choices and restrains himself from doing that, even though he desperately wants to.
Luke tells himself this is a self-sacrifice this for the greater good.
"Because he’s the last Jedi and a symbol of that it then becomes this self-sacrifice, he has take himself out of it, when he knows his friends are dying, when the thing he’d most like to do is get back in the fight." - Rian Johnson, The Empire Film Podcast, 2018
And Rian Johnson didn't want Luke to come across as a coward, so he also gave Luke an argument that initially seems to make sense:
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The Jedi way is flawed and inevitably leads to arrogance. Proof: the Sith originally came from Jedi. His own new order is no exception to that rule, even if he thought it was (in his arrogance, he believed his own legend).
So if he leaves and stays in exile? No more Jedi, no more Jedi-turned-darksiders that can mess up the galaxy.
The Force will keep trying to balance itself and a new, worthier source will appear (in the form of Rey).
But while his reasoning that "the Jedi are inevitably arrogant" seems sound and reasonable... it's wrong.
Just like Dooku's reasoning that "the Jedi are corrupt" seems sound, but is ultimately wrong.
Just like Anakin's rationalization that "the Jedi are evil" seems sound nope, that one doesn't even seem sound, it's just plain wrong.
Where is it wrong, in Luke's case?
Well, he's rationalizing his actions by blaming the Jedi religion, instead of admitting his own failure.
"The notion of, 'Nope, toss this all away and find something new,' is not really a valid choice, I think. Ultimately, Luke's exile and his justifications for it are all covering over his guilt over Kylo." - Rian Johnson, The Art of The Last Jedi, 2017
"In his own way, [Luke is] trying to disconnect, he’s trying to throw away the past, he’s saying 'Let’s kill [the Jedi] religion. It’s the thing that’s messing us up, thing thing right here, let’s kill it.’ And the truth is, it’s a personal failure. It’s not religion, it’s his own human nature that’s betrayed him." - Rian Johnson, The Empire Film Podcast, 2018
He fucked up, plain and simple.
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But it's not because “he’s a Jedi and that made him arrogant and the Jedi mentality is flawed”, as he claims early on in the movie.
He failed because he's flawed. Luke is human and had a moment of weakness where he was scared shitless and acted on instinct.
Yoda's spirit helps him realize this, and he fixes his mistake by allowing Leia and the resistance to save themselves. And as he does it, he acknowledges the importance of the Jedi and their teachings.
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And it's also why, in The Rise of Skywalker, he has the maturity to admit that he wasn't staying on the island out of some self-sacrificial gesture, as he kept telling himself. Truth is, he was afraid. Afraid he'd screw up again.
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Do the movies go about this in an emotionally-satisfying way? That's debatable. But, on paper, I don't think Luke's behavior in The Last Jedi is too much of a shark-jump considering how
In the couple of months after the Disney sale, Lucas developed the Sequels with Michael Arndt in late 2012/early 2013, and concept art was made by artists like Christian Alzmann.
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Note: the image on the left got a “Fabouloso” stamp of approval from Lucas!
Lucas’ sequels would feature a Luke Skywalker who was a figure like the jaded, reclusive Colonel Kurtz in the movie Apocalypse Now (which, fun fact, Lucas helped write and was originally set to direct).
The reason why Luke was in self-imposed exile wasn’t specified, all we know is that he was:
hiding from the world in a cave,
haunted by the betrayal of one of his students,
and spiritually in a dark place.
Other concept artists, like James Clyne, tried to illustrate the First Jedi Temple and some of the designs were approved by Lucas, such as the one below.
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Eventually, Kira the female Jedi-wannabe protagonist (who eventually became Rey) would seek him out so he can train her.
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This Luke would be a much more prominent part of Episode VII (instead of only appearing at the end) but still died at the end of Episode VIII.
For sources and more information about George Lucas’ plans for the Sequel Trilogy, read this post.
The only part that wasn't detailed by Lucas were the specifics of why he went into exile. But all in all, this sounds pretty similar to what we got in The Last Jedi.
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"Luke would never try to kill Ben!”
I agree. And he didn’t try to kill Ben. He stopped himself.
And this version of the event?
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This didn’t happen.
What Kylo tells Rey is his version of the story. And he thinks he’s telling the truth... but his recollection of the event is warped as this was obviously a very traumatic event for him.
"I don't think he's lying actually. In my mind, that was his experience. [...] I think that it's probably twisted a little bit by Kylo's own anger and his own prejudices against Luke, but I feel like he's actually telling her the truth of his experience." - Rian Johnson, Star Wars: The Last Jedi commentary, 2017
The narrative frames the third version of the story as the one that’s objectively how events went down. Because Rey believes him, and Rey is both the protagonist and a stand-in for the audience.
Now, if you think Luke’s word is unreliable and you have an easier time trusting Kylo’s version of the story, go to town.
But I think that if you actually believe would Luke would never try to kill Ben, you’d take Luke's second retelling of the story at face value.
I know I do.
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“Okay, but he would never consider killing a child, like Ben. He saw the good in Darth Vader!”
First off, Luke refers to Ben as "a scared boy" because, he's a middle-aged man. But objectively, Ben was 23 years old.
But also, I mean... with Vader, Luke actually had the luxury ignorance.
Do you think would have truly gone on that Second Death Star if he had actually witnessed Vader:
choke his Padmé,
kill Obi-Wan,
actively try to kill Ahsoka,
murder Jedi younglings,
betray and hunt down his other Jedi brothers and sisters,
and cold-bloodedly kill countless innocents, one by one?
There’s a difference between watching him kill Ben Kenobi (who still ‘lived’ as a ghost and talked to him seconds later) and hearing a couple of rebel pilots get blasted in the trench run, and actually seeing all the horrors he’s committed.
Don't get me wrong, Luke knows Vader is evil, absolutely. But if he had seen this side of Vader, the needlessly cruel side...
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... I'm not sure he'd have been as compassionate.
Proof: Obi-Wan, someone who deeply loved Anakin (to the point where he could never bring himself to kill him), someone that genuinely wishes that Luke can redeem him... also feels that, realistically, attempting to do so would be pointless.
And hell, even without really seeing all the massacres Vader committed, the second the latter threatened his sister, Luke went berserk and almost killed him!
So the question becomes:
“What could make Luke - trained Jedi Master, long-time optimist and overall compassionate to a fault - consider killing Ben?”
All we’re told is that he looked into Ben’s mind and saw darkness and the destruction, pain, death, and the end of everything he loves.
The specifics are left to our imagination. They could include:
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the sight of Kylo slaughtering his parents and Chewie with a smile on his blood-smeared face,
the smell of Han's burning flesh in the air,
the wails of Chewbacca as he's run through by Kylo,
the faint sound of Leia's tears hitting the ground,
the destruction of the New Republic's citizens and planets.
Whatever it may have been, it was intense. Because Force-induced visions are vivid as hell, as has been shown throughout the franchise.
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It's not like watching something on a TV, you're there, all your senses are affected in an extremely powerful way.
And the vision Luke experienced scared him so much that even shortly after it, when looking at a sleeping young man, all he sees is that evil monster from the vision. So he tremblingly draws his saber.
But it's evident that Luke wasn't thinking clearly or rationally.
His base emotions had taken the wheel, he was being tempted by the Dark Side.
"He doesn’t give in to the Dark Side, it’s a moment of temptation to the Dark Side. It reminds me very much of when Vader is tempting Luke, when Luke is underneath the stairs in [Return of the] Jedi, lit with that very beautiful half-and-half, the duality of these two sides of him being pulled. And that’s really what that moment is for me, it’s a moment of temptation to the Dark Side for Luke." - Rian Johnson, IGN, 2017
And yet despite seeing all that... Luke catches himself.
It's not the first time that Luke almost does something horrible to a family member and catches himself. Again, 24 years prior, he almost murdered his own father in a fit of rage.
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The scene in Ben's hut intentionally parallels that outburst he has in Return of the Jedi.
A terrible future is presented before Luke.
He reacts instinctively, is tempted by the Dark Side.
He snaps out of it.
The only real difference is that, in Return of the Jedi, Luke only comes to his senses after a frenzied onslaught during which he actively tried to kill his own Dad.
24 years later, despite having witnessed that terrible future even more vividly than he did on the Second Death Star, he catches himself merely seconds later. Instead of going on a whole rampage, he stops the moment the lightsaber turns on.
I'd call that "progress".
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"But Luke should've learned his lesson and known better than to give in to the Dark Side!"
Resisting the temptation of the Dark Side is by no means a one-and-done thing. It's not a power-up that you get, it's a constant struggle.
"I think it disrespects the character of Luke by treating him not as a true mythic hero overcoming recurring wounds & flaws, but as a video game character who has achieved a binary, permanent power-up." - Rian Johnson, Twitter, 2019
Dave Filoni says so too.
"In the end, it’s about fundamentally becoming selfless, moreso than selfish. It seems so simple, but it’s so hard to do. And when you’re tempted by the dark side, you don’t overcome it once in life and then you’re good. It’s a constant." - Dave Filoni, Rebels Remembered, 2019
Hell, even George Lucas stated something along those lines:
"The Sith practice the dark side and are way out of balance. The Jedi aren’t as much out of balance because they’re the light side of the Force. They still have the bad side of the Force in them, but they keep it in check. It’s always there, so it can always erupt if you let your guard down." - George Lucas, The Star Wars Archives: 1999-2005, 2020
Learning the lesson once doesn't mean you've learned it forever. Especially with the Dark Side, which poses a never-ending battle.
In-universe examples: Anakin learned to let go of his attachments during the “Padawan Lost” arc of TCW.
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A year and a half later, he’s butchering kids because he can’t let go of his attachments.
And during wartime, Yoda found himself repressing his darker instincts and ignoring their existence. Thus, when he had to face them, he struggled to acknowledge and control them.
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So considering Luke didn't go "rampage mode" with Ben, as he did when he tried to kill Vader, I think he deserves some credit.
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Finally, I've heard this insane argument many times, as a response to the above points:
"Yeah but Luke wasn't actually trying to kill Vader! He was holding back, he was trying to keep him alive!"
And, uh... no. He wasn't.
He lost his shit, folks. And almost killed Vader.
Like, right here?
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t moved his saber to intercept Luke’s blade, Luke would’ve stabbed Vader in the face.
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t held his sword up in time, SWISH, there goes the top of his helmet AT LEAST, if not the rest of his head.
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⬆️ If Vader hadn’t dodged he’d be chopped in two.
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⬆️ If Vader’s arm gave out slightly sooner, if his blade faltered just a little lower, if he loosened his grip on his saber a bit, Vader would be cleaved in two.
My point is that if you swing at someone with a lightsaber? They’ll get chopped. And if you aim for the head or the chest? You’re trying to kill them.
Before Luke got a grip, throughout that whole rampage, the only thing that kept Vader alive was his own skill.
Otherwise, Luke would’ve murdered him in a fit of rage.
If Luke was holding back, then the theme of "resisting the Dark Side" completely falls apart.
There's no indication that he was restraining himself, in he script.
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And just look at the imagery.
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Luke is surrounded by darkness, symbolizing how he's being seduced by the Dark Side, he's being tempted to give in to his anger towards the man who hurt his friends and took his hand.
Then Vader threatens Leia.
And the next time we see Luke, he's silhouetted, his face is all black.
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Luke was originally trying to hold back and talk Vader down, but fails to control his instincts and gives in to fear, to anger, to the Dark Side... and goes all out.
He swings at his father furiously and keeps swinging, until he cuts off Vader's hand... and he is about to deliver the final blow…
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… when he sees Vader’s mechanical hand and realizes that by giving in to his anger, that path will inevitably lead him to become exactly like this half-machine half-man laying at his feet. That’s where the path to power leads.
And so he makes a decision:
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He’s a Jedi. Like his father before him. His compassion for Anakin is stronger than his hate for Vader.
That's the narrative intent.
It has to be.
Because if he had been "holding back" throughout that entire bit, then the stakes are lowered immeasurably, John Williams' saddening score is misplaced, the lightsaber choreography is misleading, etc.
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For the above-listed reasons, I think Luke's portrayal in The Last Jedi doesn't really contradict anything in the previously-established lore. It works, it's the typical "old cowboy needs to get back in the saddle" trope. Frankly, I can defend this subject all day long... so where's the problem?
The problem comes in at an out-of-universe level. While it's not inconsistent... it's also not satisfying.
The thing is, if you...
... take one of the most brave and optimistic characters in the franchise, then open the film saying "well, now he's jaded and in hiding", without giving us context on how he became that way...
... take a character whose arc was specifically about controlling his emotions, then show him be ruled by those emotions without providing context for what made him do that...
... then that kills the suspension of disbelief, for a lot of fans.
And, as such, they'll have a much harder time going along with what you're saying.
Because "show, don't tell" is one of the most basic principles in visual storytelling. And we weren't shown:
"Ben being increasingly violent during training",
"Luke sitting Ben down and having a talk with him, only to be ignored" or
"the horrors Luke saw in Ben's head".
I have no doubt that those things happened, in-universe.
But if we're talking about a movie-going experience, many were left emotionally-unsatisfied.
Because all that stuff was in there... but only subtextually. It was up to the fans to imagine on the details. Normally, I'd argue that's what Star Wars is all about: allowing fans to dream and think outside the box. But in this specific case, I think many fans would've rather had a more complete and explicit story. Because it's Luke Skywalker.
And yet... even these structural and writing issues had a logic behind them, and if you ask me... there was no other direction that this story could be taken in.
We'll explore this in more detail in part 2/2.
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velvet4510 · 2 months ago
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soup-for-lorch · 1 month ago
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Liliy! Rose Tico and Princess Leia (from a timewarp) have made you more wonderful soup! Don't worry, there's plenty for Darth Amorosa!
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thehollowprince · 2 years ago
I know I've talked about this before, but I absolutely loathe how the character of Finn was treated in this movie. Not only the redundancy of his plot, but the sheer laziness of it.
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angst-is-love-angst-is-life · 6 months ago
Oh wow, Rey really went from hating Kylo to confiding in him in one single freaking scene
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tarisilmarwen · 1 year ago
Ahsoka "The Jedi, The Witch, and The Warlord" Liveblog
Woo boy, there were certainly some Choices in this.
Yeah yeah, I'm late and spoilered to hell I know, look, I have been Going Through It out in realspace and my priority has been finishing Whumptober fics, cut me some slack.
Lars Mikkelson continuing to crush it as Thrawn.
"Even I fell victim to the... heroics of a single Jedi." Looooooool another bit for my collection of Pissy!Thrawn moments.
We're not going to get an explanation for why the Nightsisters and Thrawn are so tight, are we?
Morgan looks a little bit trepidacious about all of this ha ha.
All right, a point in this show's favor, this look at Nightsister rituals and culture is interesting.
And the flaming sword is cool, I'll admit.
Ngl, the editing really needs to be tightened up in this scene, we really only needed the one or two establishing shots before cutting into the interior.
Eman continues to be the perfect Ezra. I love him. 10/10 no complaints.
Ngl, this is sweet on the surface that Ezra's new saber has pieces of Kanan's buuuuuuuut *waves Green Saber Ezra Supremacy flag*.
Sabine, let him borrow y'all's lightsaber and YOU build a new one.
Ah goody, an Exposition Reveal.
This... doesn't actually explain Baylan's "Your family is dead because your Master didn't trust you." line btw. JUST SAYING.
I don't even know what the narrative wants anymore re. Sabine's choice to gamble Thrawn's return for Ezra.
Aaaand please not to be reminding me of the Wrong Jedi arc kthnx.
Oh good an action scene.
Ezra and Ahsoka being cool Jedi together, nice. Could be more emphasized and staged even more coolly tho.
Well poop, I guess that's the reason why we had to risk stowing away on Thrawn's ship.
Oh good! This holomap thing is exactly the kind of plot device I actually needed for one of my Sabezra Week fills.
Lol Thrawn be taking NO chances lololol.
Oh hello finally some of Thrawn's theme in the score here. Thrawn using the men's loyalty and fanaticism towards him personally to achieve his goals, fits the culty vibes, sure.
I am liiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiing for the subtle nervousness in Ezra's voice when talking about Thrawn finding the Dathomir castle and waking the witches. PLEASE CAN I HAVE A THOUSAND WHUMP AND ANGST FICS ABOUT THE IN-BETWEEN BEFORE EZRA'S ESCAPE FROM THE CHIMAERA?
His arms are so comfortably around Sabine awwwwww.
Thrawn be all srs bznss and I'm loving it.
Yeah no, Jedi!Sabine is REJECTED, she did not have any kind of necessary mental or emotional breakthrough, she wasn't shown calming her mind properly, sorry Dave THE LEGWORK AIN'T THERE, Imma fix this to be Ahsoka in the inevitable rewrite/fixfic that I've apparently decided I'm doing.
Oh Ahsoka is helping too, well I'm still not having Sabine be able to do it.
The struggle to recompose himself OH MAN.
This is peak Mirrorverse!Thrawn and I'm here for it. I love seeing my headcanons playing out onscreen.
Aaaaaand this would have been the perfect scene to have Ezra and Sabine sharing the Our Lightsaber, meanwhile Sabine should be fully kitted out Mando style.
Aahhhhhhh Ezra my love! <3
Should have either let him use the Our Lightsaber or continued with the Force martial arts though, pick a lane. Or have a conversation about why they need to actually get him another saber.
Eman is... waaaaaaay better at this than Rosario, sad to say, lol.
Look at him GO THERE'S MY BOY.
I love him.
Oh what are we doing now?
Ohhhhh the zombie!troopers!
Lol Ezra must have left before the Nightsisters could show Thrawn their zombie techniques.
Eman makes this look flawless, I am in love.
Battle Couple Sabezra moment, awww.
"I missed you."
Aaaaaaaaand I'm gonna adjust this in the fixfic, because right now it looks like they were waiting to actually dock.
And my typing is being slowed down hang on a second.
Still dumb.
Okay back.
Thrawn basically telling Morgan, "Right, so you're going to have to go fight the Rebels and stall die for me, mmkay?"
She's looking like she might regret all of this now lolol.
I do like how the finale is making it very very easy for me to fix later lol.
Like here. Morgan should have attempted to stop Ezra and Sabine. Just a small attempt, and then blocked by Ahsoka, and Ezra and Sabine run around and outmaneuver them.
Aaaaand final trailer shot accounted for.
Okay, can there be a little more effort on the choreography there please?
Oh no Sabine, EZRA SAVE HER.
Or we could retcon Sabine into actually legitimately being Force Sensitive and have her pull the Our Lightsaber.
*grumbles, takes down notes about how to fix this in my rewrite*
Oh come on Ezra, you can jump that.
Catch me melting at the sheer and utter trust Ezra has in Sabine's abilities.
(But also, screw this, she's getting a jetpack in the rewrite.)
Aaaaaaaaaand I do hate that they got separated again, screwing alllllll of that.
Nice of the troopers to just politely stop shooting.
Yeah so, this is basically gonna be a 1 v 100 for Ahsoka when I rewrite it, let my girl have a hard fought climactic battle, she can take it.
"Your friends are dead." Uhhhh nah they ain't what does this bit of dialogue even connect to?
Lol Ezra gets to put on the big boy stormtrooper armor.
The vaaaaaaaaaguely panicky twitches that Thrawn has here. A+, excellent, no notes.
No kill like overkill LOLOLOL.
Thrawn, internally: Shitshitshitshitshitshitshiiiiiiiiiiiiit.
Ah Thrawn is going to try Break Them By Talking. Ezra tanked this let's see if Ahsoka can do the same.
Nope, she's Affected.
Aaaaaand he out.
Bye Thrawn!
Hmmmmgh, yeah no, because in my rewrite I'm axing the entirety of Sabine actually becoming a Jedi it's going to be better that she goes with Ezra on the Eye of Sion instead of stays with Ahsoka, if she stayed a Jedi then yes that's what the conclusion should have been that makes narrative sense now that I see it.
But also again, I Do Not Like That Plot Point so--*grumblegrumble mumble*
Hi Morai!
Bandit queen Shin? I could dig it.
Baylan chilling with Mortis god statues.
And Thrawn is setting up base on Dathomir. Lol wait til he finds out that there's basically nothing there anymore lololol.
Those uh... those be a lotta dead troopers. Probably most of the Chimaera crew.
...Cripes did they die naturally, did Ezra kill them, or did Thrawn pull some kind of Jonestown thing in order to enact his eventual revenge?
Oh maaaaan what if it's that last one, that would fit with the cult-like chanting in his intro omgghghhhggkajsfkjh.
Frick man, Thrawn fixing to unleash an undead army on the GFFA that can really only be taken out by lightsabers.
Oh come on, you're telling me Ezra was on the Eye and didn't pull some last minute shenanigans before he left?
Didn't screw Thrawn over one last time for nostalgia's sake?
(He and Sabine are blowing up some engines before they skedaddle, in the fixfic.)
The attempt at bookends here is cute but no. LET HERA HUG HER SON.
This whole scene just doesn't work because we're trying to shoehorn it into being a bookend for the opening, it doesn't wooooooooooorrrrrk.
*furiously taking down notes on how to rewrite this scene*
Blah blah Sabine can feel Anakin there but Ahsoka can't? blah blah blah.
Aaaaaaand closing us out with "As The Sun Sails And The Moon Walks"
Where do I begin?
Okay so... final verdict... I DO actually like this show.
There was soooooooo much about the execution and so many of the narrative choices that I just NEEDED to be better and it frustrates me. Because this show by all rights should have been a spectacular emotional thrill ride like Kenobi and it just wasn't.
A lot of the problems and nitpicks I had with Kenobi are exacerbated here, especially under Filoni's brand of, "I didn't care for what Lucas did with the Prequels, here let me fix it." NO FILONI IT DIDN'T NEED FIXING IT WAS FINE! HOW THE FORCE WORKED WAS FINE! THE JEDI WERE FINE!
But there's such GOOD STUFF in here that I can't discount it all fully like I can with the Sequel Trilogy. (Which, believe me, I have attempted to workshop and fixfic but ultimately gave up on.) The purrgil lore! The Ancient Dathomiri! Another galaxy! Whatever Baylan was up to! Sabezra being adorable! Thrawn!
Soooooo yeah, basically join me sometime in the future for when I inevitably create a fixfic AU for this show like I did for Aldnoah.Zero because unfortunately I can't give up on this show I need to fix it, just hand me the characters and story and I can fix it.
Can't do much for the camerawork, choreography, and occasional stiff acting (Not you Eman, Natasha, Ray, Evan, and Lars, you're all great.) but I can at least salvage that part lol.
Ultimately... mid. Excellent premise and cool concepts brought down by subpar execution and some frankly baffling narrative decisions. But gimme like a week and I will workshop a Fanon AU that I can be completely happy with.
Hopefully we get a Season Two? Maybe? Or resolve everything in the Mandoverse movie?
Peace out, y'all.
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sjbattleangel · 3 months ago
Special thanks to @agramuglia for inspiring this awful joke.
Everyone: "Steven Universe/She-Ra/Avatar: The Last Airbender/The Legend Of Korra/Star Wars: The Last Jedi/The Last Of Us/The Last Of Us Part II/The MCU/G. Willow Wilson's Ms. Marvel run/Gail Simone's Birds Of Prey run/The Dark Crystal: Age Of Resistance/The Persona games/The Sandman/X-Men/The Simpsons/Everything by Dan Slott/Everything by Tom Taylor/Everything by Jason Aaron/Everything by Donny Cates/Everything by Brian Michael Bendis/Everything by Devin Grayson/Everything by Jonathan Hickman/Everything by Scott Snyder/Everything by James Tynion IV/Everything by Joshua Williamson, etc are anti-intellectual, regressive, pro-status quo, far-right Trojan Horses pretending to be "diverse and progressive" just so they can take advantage of naïve leftists."
Me: "No. That's Velma".
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caripr94 · 2 years ago
Unpopular opinion: I know that a lot of Star Wars fans are peeved about the tragedy of the sequels negating much of the happy ending of the original trilogy, but honestly, that's actually one of my favorite parts of the sequels. Why? Because it means that well-intentioned hypocritical nutheads like Obi-Wan, Yoda, and Bail Organa don't get to get away with underhanded, morally unethical stunts like separating the twins from each other, kidnapping them from their biological families, lying to them about their heritage, grooming them against their own father, and using them to try to restore their own power and get everything back to the old status quo that got them into this mess in the first place. We all get to see the consequences of such tactics and nobody (who's paying attention) gets to say that "this and that" was okay because everything turned out fine in the end.
Because even though Luke managed to break the cycle of darkness and abuse on his end by the end of the original trilogy, we never really saw that happening with Leia on her end, nor did we see many of those family issues from that separation and manipulation or many of the problems with the Old Jedi Order or any of the problems with the Old Republic get even addressed. Many of the underlying issues of the prequels that came from people not learning from their mistakes just got swept under the rug. At least with the tragic events that happened in the sequel era (at least in TFA, before Lucasfilm messed everything up in the subsequent sequels, which I don't count as canon), we get to see many of the effects of such corrupt and dysfunctional methods that these "heroic" elders used, and in some way, there's some poetic justice in that, even at such a high price. And I know that many of you are saying that "Star Wars is supposed to be a fairy tale or myth; it's not supposed to be realistic", but let me remind you that not every fairy tale has gotten a happily ever after (at least in its early versions) and it was actually quite rare for mythological heroes to get a happily ever after either.
Disclaimer: This is mostly about TFA, which was much more consistent with the original lore. I acknowledge that the later two sequels didn't have as much consistency or respect for the original lore (or even with TFA), so I don't count them as canon.
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burn-4u · 1 year ago
Lol why do tlj stans keep trying to compare their movie to andor. Andor is the Star Wars equivalent of better call Saul and tlj is a joss whedon movie.
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